Primary Mathematics Challenge is usually held in November. Age 9-11 (or older or younger)
The Mathematical Association runs the Primary Mathematics Challenge and the PMC website http://www.primarymathschallenge.org.uk is hosted and run by
Welcome to the Primary Mathematics Challenge.
The test is designed to encourage enthusiasm, boost confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. Answering the questions does not depend on mathematical knowledge alone, but on the ability to think things through, be logical and find ways to solve problems. It is designed to make students think outside the box!
You can view past papers and answers here
Free entry Included within Membership

The First Mathematics Challenge (FMC)
The First Mathematics Challenge (FMC) has been specifically created to give all pupils in Years 3 and 4, P3 and P4 in Scotland and year 4 and 5 in Northern Ireland, the opportunity to take part in a National Challenge.
The FMC has been created for all your pupils. It is our intention that mathematics is portrayed as enjoyable, exciting and engaging for younger pupils and the FMC should provide an entertaining yet educational ending to the school year.
The Challenge
There will be a total of 20 multiple choice questions, they will start with easy questions to encourage pupils in their own ability and gradually get harder throughout the Challenge. Pupils will have 45 minutes to complete all questions. They can use as much scrap paper as they wish but no calculators, rulers or other aids may be used. The questions will encourage your pupils to think outside the box and approach problems in a logical manner.
Free entry Included within Membership
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT)
Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP)
Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) is the result of international research carried out by CIMT and presents the best and most effective methods, philosophy and teaching style of maths in this fantastic resource.
There is a full set of curriculum resources for Primary and
Secondary level (A level being developed) , including texts, lesson plans, classroom
resources, assessment materials and on-line interactive resources. You can get all this for free or buy the excercise books which are very reasonably priced.
CIMT has now made online versions of all the IPMA primary tests
and the MEP secondary tests.Children can take these tests using most web browsers,
and their work is immediately marked.